Renewing Health
REgioNs of Europe WorkINg toGether for HEALTH, is an european project, partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Program, by the European Community.
RENEWING HEALTH aims at implementing large-scale real-life test beds for the validation and subsequent evaluation of innovative telemedicine services using a patient-centred approach and a common rigorous assessment methodology.
It involves the following european regions: Italy (Veneto Region), Denmark (Region Syddanmark), Sweden (County Council of Norrbotten, eHealth Innovation Centre, EIC - Lulea Tekniska Universitet), Norway (Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine), Spain (Departament de Salut - Generalitat de Catalunya, Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research, Fundació TicSalut), Finland (South Karelia Social and Health Care District), Greece (Intermunicipal Development Company Digital Cities of Central Greece S.A., e-Trikala AE, Municipality of Trikala, Regional Health Authority of Sterea & Thessaly), Austria (Land Kärnten, Krankenanstalten Betriebsgesellschaft), Germany (Pflegewerk Managementgesellschaft). The advisory board being: European Patient's Forum, European Health Telematics Association and Continua Health Aliance Consortium.
The consortium includes 9 of the most advanced European regions in the implementation of health-related ICT services. In those regions the service solutions are already operational at local level for the tele-monitoring and the treatment of chronic patients suffering from diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases. The services are designed to give patients a central role in the management of their own diseases, fine-tuning the choice and dosage of medications, promoting compliance to treatment, and helping healthcare professionals to detect early signs of worsening in the monitored pathologies.
Fact Sheet
Project video