An acronym of Fear Elimination as Resolution for Loosing Elderly's Substantial Sorrows, and as part of the EU's Ambient Assisted Living Joint Program. The project's goal is to detect a wide range of risks with a single sensor unit, enhancing mobility and enabling elderly to take active part in the self-serve society by reducing their fears. Another main focus of this project is the lack of expertise at the supplier side and thus the integration of important parts of the supply chain (i.e. network of electricians and electric shops).
It will utilize the flexibility of vision-based sensors and combine it with acoustic event detection. The overall aim of this project is the reduction of barriers (i.e. fears and concerns), which impedes the mobility of elderly people, often suffering from dementia or light loss of cognitive activities.
The project is a development of Austrian artificial vision device designer CogVis GmbH in collaboration with Samariterbund Wien, Medical University of Vienna and Vienna University of Technology (Austria); University of Bamberg, InfoKom GmbH and Fraunhofer IPK (Germany); TeSAN (Italy); i2CAT Technological Center and Linkcare Health Services (Catalonia, Spain).
References: www.fearless-project.eu