Linkcare Smart Exchange - "LSX"
intelligent data filter for the exchange of health information between Europe and China.
Linkcare Smart Exchange aims to research, design and implement the proof of concept of an innovative computer system based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to prevent disclosure of personal data when sharing medical information between Europe and China. LSX will apply the data protection regulatory frameworks of both regions.
The resulting proof of concept (TRL 4) is expected to use Big Data technology and Expert Systems involving Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to identify items that refer to personal data in English (written in Western characters) or Chinese (written in Western characters or Chinese). These items will then be replaced by anonymous ones. To provide state-of-the-art medical services, Silver Mountain (Chinese partner of the project) wants to connect its hospitals with a clinical knowledge network called "China-Europe International Hospital"TM (CEIH)TM. The support of LSX project will allow the clinicians of this medical network to work and share diagnoses and treatment options within the existing legal frameworks in the EU and China. In this way, LSX will guarantee compliance with the data protection regulations of each region.
The success of Linkcare-LSX will allow the hospitals in Catalonia that participate in the CEIH network to offer their clinical services to Chinese partners.
This project has received support and funding from the “Agència per a la Competitivitat de l'Empresa, ACCIÓ”, through the 2019 call "Nuclis de recerca industrial i development experimental de component internacional"